NM Arts and the Military Announces Keshet Dance, EXIT12 Dance, and NM PBS May Events

Veterans, military families, and civilians: New Mexico Arts’ / Arts and the Military Initiative and co-sponsor DADvocacy Consulting have partnered with Keshet Dance and Center for the Arts and EXIT12 Dance Company to present a full schedule of workshops and events in New Mexico in May! 


Running Medicine Movement Workshop with Native Health Initiative
May 13th 5:30-6:30pm
UNM North Golf Course, near the north side of the UNM law school – no registration required

May 15th and 18th

Exit 12 (New York, NY) M O V E M E N T 2 C O N T A C T – FREE Veteran/Civilian Movement Workshops:
Repurposing movement; transforming trauma. This workshop is designed to bridge cultural gaps through shared movement, transform traumatic experiences into expressive choreographic themes, and inspire participants to push beyond their comfort zones. Veterans and civilians will engage in movement creation, self-esteem building, empathy enrichment, and teamwork.

Virtual One-Day Workshops: 

Saturday, May 15th, 2-3pm MST 
Register: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZMpc-igpjgtHdFfqTCSxZEHxr8yfBqdPRV1

Tuesday, May 18th, 11am – 12noon 
Register: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZcodu6gqjosE9YXL2guI9UZfP6lSiSk28h8

Virtual Five-Day Workshop: 

Thursday, May 20th – Monday, May 24th; 12noon – 1pm MST
5-day Movement workshop series for New Mexico based veterans and their familiesRegister: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZYsd-CtqjoiHtXM1hNsTMCTpQWqUA50xd9T

May 25th, 5:30-6:30pm
Families, Love & Movement Workshop with Native Health Initiative
Location TBD


May 19th 6:30pm 
Moved by War: Film & Movement Workshop

Hosted by Western New Mexico University (WNMU)

WNMU Contact: Jason Quimby (Jason.Quimby@wnmu.edu/575-538-6871) or Cultural Affairs (cultural.affairs@wnmu.edu/575-538-6469)
Film: 6:30pm 
Workshop: 7:30-08:30pm 

Learn more:
Silver City/Western New Mexico University – Register

May 20th 8:00 – 9:00pm – Free but registration recommended
Join us at Badlands Drive-In Theater, Los Lunas for a FREE virtual screening of the multi-award-winning Exit 12 film “Moved by War.”
Exit 12 joins dance and stories about the effects of war — both to heal and also change the stereotypes of the Veteran community. Founded by a US Marine Iraq War Veteran and two ballerinas in 2007, Exit 12 is a pioneer in the genre of military veteran art.

EXIT12 Moved by War: Drive-In Film Showing – Register

Los Lunas Drive In
660 Main St. Los Lunas, NM

May 31st 10:00-11:00am

NM PBS through OVEE platform

Monday, May 31st (Memorial Day) 10am – 11am MST
Exit 12 Dance Company (New York, NY) “Moved by War”
Join us for a Memorial Day virtual screening of the multi-award winning “Exit12: Moved by War”, followed by the premiere of a new piece choreographed during Exit 12’s  New Mexico residency, and a Q&A with the artists of Exit12.  Exit 12 joins dance and stories about the effects of war — to heal and change the stereotypes of the Veteran community.

After two tours in Fallujah during the Iraq War, US Marine and Combat Veteran Román Baca came home ravaged with depression, anxiety, and anger. With few places to turn, Román went back to his first passion, ballet, as a way to cope — and discovered that through dance he was able to “reprogram” himself and begin to heal.

Presented in partnership with New Mexico Arts’ / Arts in the Military Initiative.
FREE: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/moved-by-war-free-film-screening-and-discussion-tickets-152769316137

New Mexico Arts, a division of the Department of Cultural Affairs, is the state arts agency.  New Mexico Arts administers the state’s One Percent for Public Art program, awards grants to nonprofit organizations for arts and cultural programs in their communities across the state, and provides technical assistance and educational opportunities for organizations, artists, and arts educators throughout New Mexico.

New Mexico Arts & the Military is a community engagement initiative of the state arts agency designed to connect veterans and military families with non-profit and government agencies that employ the arts as a means to healing and reintegration.


Founded in 1996, Keshet Dance and Center for the Arts has been a stable of the central NM arts landscape. Its mission is “to inspire and unite community by fostering unlimited possibilities through dance, mentorship and a creative space for the arts.” Keshet’s goals are to actuate change responsive to social and community needs in the areas of juvenile justice, access to dance for individuals with disabilities, and support/resources for arts entrepreneurs. Keshet pursues these goals through the powerful vehicle of the arts, mentorship, and community collaboration in non-­ therapeutic settings. Through all of Keshet’s combined programming (including both virtual and non-broadband dependent activities), the organization reaches approximately 10,000 individuals annually throughout the entire state of NM.

Founded by a New Mexico Native US Marine Iraq War Veteran and two ballerinas in 2007, Exit12 Dance Company is a pioneer in the genre of military veteran art. It is a contemporary dance company committed to creating and performing works of high cultural significance that inspire conversations about world differences and the lasting effects of violence and conflict on communities, families, and individuals. Through movement, Exit12 educates audiences about the reality of war, advocates diversity and mutual understanding through cultural exchange, and champions the humanity and dignity of all persons. EXIT12 supports and advances the notion that art heals and is devoted to serving those who have been touched by conflict by expressing their stories. Founder and Artistic Director Roman Baca is an Albuquerque native who trained in classical ballet before enlisting in the US Marines in 2001. He served as a machine-gunner and fire-team leader in Fallujah, Iraq during the Iraq War and co-founded Exit12 Dance Company upon returning to civilian life. He has choreographed and championed dance works that explore the military veteran experience and the impact of war on civilians and families internationally. Baca recently completed his MFA in Choreography at London’s Trinity Laban Conservatoire of Music and Dance and is excited to return to his roots in New Mexico in 2021.

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